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Phrasal Verbs related to Appointments

  • Back Out (of):

    • Meaning: To withdraw from a commitment or cancel a scheduled appointment.

    • Sample sentence: Unfortunately, he had to back out of the meeting due to a family emergency.

  • Call Off:

    • Meaning: To cancel a scheduled appointment or event.

    • Sample sentence: Due to the storm, they had to call off the outdoor team-building activity.

  • Fill In For:

    • Meaning: To substitute for someone in a scheduled appointment or task.

    • Sample sentence: Can you fill in for me at the conference while I attend the urgent client meeting?

  • Hold Over:

    • Meaning: To extend the duration of a scheduled appointment or meeting.

    • Sample sentence: The discussion was so productive that they decided to hold it over for an extra hour.

  • Iron Out:

    • Meaning: To resolve or settle issues or conflicts in preparation for a scheduled appointment.

    • Sample sentence: We need to iron out the details before the project review meeting next week.

  • Knock Off:

    • Meaning: To finish or complete a task or appointment.

    • Sample sentence: Let's knock off the final edits so we can send the report before the deadline.

  • Look Forward To:

    • Meaning: To anticipate with pleasure or excitement a future appointment or event.

    • Sample sentence: I'm looking forward to our meeting next week to discuss the upcoming project.

  • Show Up:

    • Meaning: To arrive or appear at a scheduled appointment.

    • Sample sentence: Make sure to show up on time for the interview; punctuality is crucial.

  • Take Over:

    • Meaning: To assume control or responsibility for a task or appointment.

    • Sample sentence: She had to take over the presentation when the team lead fell ill.

  • Work Out:

    • Meaning: To resolve issues or come to an agreement during a scheduled appointment.

    • Sample sentence: We need to work out the logistics before the client meeting to avoid any misunderstandings.

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