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Appointment Vocabulary

  • Confirmation:

    • Definition: The act of verifying or assuring that an appointment is scheduled.

    • Sample sentence: Please send a confirmation email to ensure that the appointment is confirmed.

  • Cancellations:

    • Definition: The act of revoking or calling off a previously scheduled appointment.

    • Sample sentence: We require at least 24 hours' notice for cancellations to avoid any fees.

  • Follow-up:

    • Definition: An additional meeting or communication that occurs after the initial appointment.

    • Sample sentence: A follow-up appointment is recommended to assess your progress.

  • Itinerary:

    • Definition: A detailed plan or schedule of appointments.

    • Sample sentence: I will send you the itinerary for our upcoming business trip, including all appointments and meetings.

  • No-show:

    • Definition: A person who fails to appear for a scheduled appointment without prior notice.

    • Sample sentence: The clinic charges a fee for no-shows to discourage missed appointments.

  • Postpone:

    • Definition: To delay or reschedule an appointment to a later date.

    • Sample sentence: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we need to postpone the meeting to next week.

  • Reschedule:

    • Definition: To arrange or fix a new date and time for a previously scheduled appointment.

    • Sample sentence: Can we reschedule our appointment for Thursday afternoon instead?

  • Reminder:

    • Definition: A notification or prompt to ensure that someone remembers an upcoming appointment.

    • Sample sentence: I set a reminder on my phone to ensure I don't forget the dentist appointment.

  • Slot:

    • Definition: A specific time period allocated for an appointment.

    • Sample sentence: I have a available slot for a consultation tomorrow at 2 PM.

  • Waitlist:

    • Definition: A list of people who are willing to wait for an available appointment slot.

    • Sample sentence: If there are any cancellations, we will contact those on the waitlist for the open slots.

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