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Car Idioms

  • Backseat Driver:

    • Meaning: Someone who offers unwanted advice or criticism, especially while not actually taking part in the activity.

    • Sample Sentence: "I don't need a backseat driver telling me how to parallel park!"

  • Hit the Road:

    • Meaning: To begin a journey or leave a place.

    • Sample Sentence: "It's getting late; we should hit the road if we want to reach the destination by evening."

  • In the Driver's Seat:

    • Meaning: In control or in a position of authority.

    • Sample Sentence: "Since the project manager is on vacation, you're in the driver's seat for now."

  • Jump on the Bandwagon:

    • Meaning: To adopt a popular activity or trend.

    • Sample Sentence: "After the success of the new smartphone, many companies are jumping on the bandwagon and releasing their own versions."

  • Kick the Tires:

    • Meaning: To inspect or evaluate something before making a decision.

    • Sample Sentence: "Before buying the used car, make sure to kick the tires and check for any hidden issues."

  • Lane Change:

    • Meaning: A shift in strategy or direction.

    • Sample Sentence: "The sudden lane change in the company's marketing approach surprised everyone."

  • Mile a Minute:

    • Meaning: Extremely fast or rapid.

    • Sample Sentence: "His new sports car can go a mile a minute; it's incredibly speedy!"

  • On the Road Again:

    • Meaning: Resuming a journey or activity after a pause.

    • Sample Sentence: "After a short break, the band is on the road again, touring across the country."

  • Penny for Your Thoughts:

    • Meaning: Asking someone what they are thinking about.

    • Sample Sentence: "You've been quiet for a while; a penny for your thoughts?"

  • Put the Pedal to the Metal:

    • Meaning: To accelerate or move at full speed.

    • Sample Sentence: "We need to finish this project on time, so let's put the pedal to the metal and get to work."

  • Run Out of Gas:

    • Meaning: To deplete one's energy or resources.

    • Sample Sentence: "After working long hours, I feel like I've run out of gas; I need a break."

  • Slow Lane:

    • Meaning: A position of lesser importance or progress.

    • Sample Sentence: "I feel like I'm stuck in the slow lane at work, not getting the recognition I deserve."

  • Throw in the Towel:

    • Meaning: To give up or surrender.

    • Sample Sentence: "After facing constant challenges, he decided to throw in the towel and find a new job."

  • Under the Hood:

    • Meaning: Examining or dealing with the internal workings or details of something.

    • Sample Sentence: "Let's take a look under the hood of this software to identify any issues."

  • Veer Off Course:

    • Meaning: To deviate from the original plan or direction.

    • Sample Sentence: "Without proper guidance, the project may veer off course and face delays."

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