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Education Idioms

  • Burn the Midnight Oil:

    • Meaning: To work late into the night, especially studying or completing academic tasks.

    • Example Sentence: "In order to finish the research paper, she had to burn the midnight oil."

  • Cut Class:

    • Meaning: To skip or not attend a scheduled class or lecture.

    • Example Sentence: "Some students find it tempting to cut class on Fridays."

  • Grind to a Halt:

    • Meaning: To come to a complete stop, often used metaphorically to describe a sudden interruption or failure.

    • Example Sentence: "The project came to a grinding halt when the main researcher fell ill."

  • Hit the Books:

    • Meaning: To study or engage in academic reading.

    • Example Sentence: "With exams approaching, it's time to hit the books and review the material."

  • Jump Through Hoops:

    • Meaning: To endure a series of difficult or challenging tasks or requirements.

    • Example Sentence: "Getting the necessary approvals for the project required jumping through numerous hoops."

  • Learn the Ropes:

    • Meaning: To become familiar with the basic aspects or rules of a new activity.

    • Example Sentence: "During the first week at the new job, I spent time learning the ropes of the company's procedures."

  • Pass the Buck:

    • Meaning: To shift responsibility or blame to someone else.

    • Example Sentence: "Rather than taking responsibility, he tried to pass the buck to his colleague."

  • Pass with Flying Colors:

    • Meaning: To succeed or excel in something, often used in the context of passing an exam or completing a task exceptionally well.

    • Example Sentence: "She passed the final exams with flying colors and earned top grades."

  • Read Between the Lines:

    • Meaning: To understand the hidden or implied meaning in a statement or text.

    • Example Sentence: "When analyzing literature, it's important to read between the lines to grasp the author's intentions."

  • School of Hard Knocks:

    • Meaning: The difficult or challenging experiences of life that provide practical education.

    • Example Sentence: "Growing up in a tough neighborhood, he learned his lessons in the school of hard knocks."

  • Take Note:

    • Meaning: To pay attention or be aware of something important.

    • Example Sentence: "During the lecture, be sure to take note of the key concepts for the exam."

  • Up the Ante:

    • Meaning: To increase the level of a challenge or demand.

    • Example Sentence: "The professor upped the ante by assigning a more complex project for the advanced students."

  • Variety is the Spice of Life:

    • Meaning: Having a range of diverse experiences makes life more interesting.

    • Example Sentence: "Instead of sticking to one routine, try different activities—variety is the spice of life."

  • Whole New Ball Game:

    • Meaning: A completely different and challenging situation.

    • Example Sentence: "Transitioning from high school to college is a whole new ball game in terms of academic expectations."

  • Xerox Copy (of Someone):

    • Meaning: A person who closely imitates or copies another individual.

    • Example Sentence: "She's like a Xerox copy of her older sister, even in terms of academic achievements."

  • You Can't Make an Omelette Without Breaking Eggs:

    • Meaning: Achieving something significant often involves facing challenges or making sacrifices.

    • Example Sentence: "Starting a new business may be challenging, but you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs."

  • Zero in on (Something):

    • Meaning: To focus or concentrate closely on a specific task or topic.

    • Example Sentence: "Before the exam, I need to zero in on the key concepts for review."

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