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Slang related to Home

  • Crib:

    • Meaning: A person's residence or home.

    • Sample sentence: We're having a movie night at my crib; feel free to join us.

  • Digs:

    • Meaning: One's living accommodations or residence.

    • Sample sentence: His new digs in the city are small but cozy.

  • Estate:

    • Meaning: A stylish or luxurious home.

    • Sample sentence: The celebrity's new estate is equipped with a pool and a private gym.

  • Flat:

    • Meaning: An apartment or living space.

    • Sample sentence: She moved into a new flat in the city center.

  • Humble abode:

    • Meaning: A modest or simple home.

    • Sample sentence: Welcome to my humble abode; it may not be big, but it's cozy.

  • Joint:

    • Meaning: A place where one lives; home.

    • Sample sentence: I'll meet you at your joint before we head out.

  • Pad:

    • Meaning: A place of residence or home.

    • Sample sentence: Come over to my pad later, and we can order some food.

  • Quarters:

    • Meaning: Living accommodations, often used in a military context.

    • Sample sentence: The new recruits will be assigned quarters on the base.

  • Roost:

    • Meaning: A place where one lives or stays.

    • Sample sentence: After a long day, I just want to go back to my roost and relax.

  • Spot:

    • Meaning: A location or place, often referring to one's home.

    • Sample sentence: This is my spot; I've lived in this neighborhood for years.

  • Turf:

    • Meaning: Territory or neighborhood where someone resides.

    • Sample sentence: We're loyal to our turf and support local businesses.

  • Uptown:

    • Meaning: A more affluent or upscale area of town.

    • Sample sentence: She recently moved uptown to a fancier neighborhood.

  • Vicinity:

    • Meaning: The surrounding area or neighborhood.

    • Sample sentence: Our new place is in the vicinity of several great restaurants and parks.

  • Whistle-stop:

    • Meaning: A small and unassuming home.

    • Sample sentence: We live in a whistle-stop, but it's perfect for us.

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