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Neighbourhood Slang

  • Block Party:

    • Meaning: A neighbourhood gathering or celebration, often held on a city block with various activities and food.

    • Example Sentence: "We're throwing a block party this weekend to celebrate the community spirit."

  • Crib:

    • Meaning: A residence or home.

    • Example Sentence: "I'll meet you at my crib before we head out."

  • Ends:

    • Meaning: The area where someone lives or their neighbourhood.

    • Example Sentence: "I'm heading back to my ends after work."

  • Fam:

    • Meaning: Short for "family" or a close group of friends.

    • Example Sentence: "We've been friends since school; he's like fam to me."

  • Gentrify:

    • Meaning: The process of transforming a neighbourhood through the influx of more affluent residents and businesses.

    • Example Sentence: "The old district is slowly gentrifying, with new cafes and art galleries opening up."

  • Hood:

    • Meaning: Short for "neighbourhood" or a district, often used informally.

    • Example Sentence: "He grew up in the same hood as me."

  • Janky:

    • Meaning: Of poor quality, unreliable, or not well-maintained.

    • Example Sentence: "The stairs to the apartment were janky; I had to be careful climbing up."

  • Kickback:

    • Meaning: A casual and relaxed get-together or social gathering.

    • Example Sentence: "We're having a little kickback at my place on Friday; feel free to drop by."

  • Lurk:

    • Meaning: To move about a neighbourhood stealthily or discreetly, often to observe or gather information.

    • Example Sentence: "I saw him lurking around the park; it was kind of weird."

  • Mingle:

    • Meaning: To socialize or interact with others in a casual setting.

    • Example Sentence: "The neighborhood barbecue is a great opportunity to mingle with your neighbors."

  • Nabe:

    • Meaning: A slang abbreviation for "neighbourhood."

    • Example Sentence: "It's a cool nabe with lots of local shops and cafes."

  • Off the Chain:

    • Meaning: Extremely enjoyable or exciting.

    • Example Sentence: "Last night's house party was off the chain; everyone had a blast."

  • Plug:

    • Meaning: A person who can supply goods or services, often illegally or informally.

    • Example Sentence: "I know a plug who can get you concert tickets for cheap."

  • Quarters:

    • Meaning: A term used to refer to one's living space or neighbourhood.

    • Example Sentence: "I've been living in these quarters for years; it feels like home."

  • Ride:

    • Meaning: A car or mode of transportation.

    • Example Sentence: "I'll be rolling through in my ride around 8 PM."

  • Turnt:

    • Meaning: To be in a state of excitement, often associated with parties or events.

    • Example Sentence: "The neighbourhood block party was turnt up all night."

  • Up-and-Coming:

    • Meaning: A neighbourhood on the rise, often experiencing positive changes and growth.

    • Example Sentence: "It's an up-and-coming area with new businesses opening every month."

  • Vibe:

    • Meaning: The general atmosphere or feeling of a place or situation.

    • Example Sentence: "I love the chill vibe of this neighbourhood; everyone is friendly."

  • Wassup:

    • Meaning: A casual greeting, short for "What's up?"

    • Example Sentence: "Hey, wassup? Haven't seen you in a while!"

  • XOXO (Hugs and Kisses):

    • Meaning: A friendly and affectionate sign-off in messages or greetings.

    • Example Sentence: "See you at the park later! XOXO."

  • Yard:

    • Meaning: A person's property or residence.

    • Example Sentence: "I'll meet you at my yard after work; we can plan from there."

  • Zonin':

    • Meaning: Being in a relaxed or carefree state.

    • Example Sentence: "Just chilling and zonin' on a Sunday afternoon."

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