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Neighbourhood Idioms

  • All Roads Lead to Rome:

    • Meaning: There are many different ways to reach the same conclusion or destination.

    • Example Sentence: "Whether you take the highway or the scenic route, all roads lead to Rome when it comes to finding a solution."

  • Back to Square One:

    • Meaning: To return to the starting point or the beginning of a process.

    • Example Sentence: "After weeks of negotiations, the project fell through, and we're back to square one."

  • Cross That Bridge When You Come to It:

    • Meaning: Deal with a problem or worry about a situation only when it happens, not beforehand.

    • Example Sentence: "I'm not stressing about the presentation next week; I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."

  • Down the Drain:

    • Meaning: Wasted or lost, often referring to time, effort, or resources.

    • Example Sentence: "All the hard work we put into that project went down the drain when the client backed out."

  • Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining:

    • Meaning: In difficult situations, there is always something positive or hopeful to be found.

    • Example Sentence: "Losing the job was tough, but every cloud has a silver lining—I found a better opportunity."

  • Familiarity Breeds Contempt:

    • Meaning: The more you know someone or something, the more likely you are to find faults or be critical.

    • Example Sentence: "Living next door to your friends might sound great, but familiarity breeds contempt."

  • Get the Ball Rolling:

    • Meaning: To start a process or activity; to initiate something.

    • Example Sentence: "Let's get the ball rolling on the community clean-up; we have a lot of work ahead."

  • Hit the Hay:

    • Meaning: To go to bed or go to sleep.

    • Example Sentence: "After a long day of moving, I can't wait to hit the hay."

  • In the Same Boat:

    • Meaning: Facing the same challenges or difficulties as others.

    • Example Sentence: "We're all in the same boat when it comes to dealing with the construction noise in the neighborhood."

  • Jump on the Bandwagon:

    • Meaning: To adopt a popular activity or trend.

    • Example Sentence: "With everyone starting community gardens, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and plant some vegetables too."

  • Keep Up with the Joneses:

    • Meaning: To strive to maintain the same social and economic status as one's neighbors or peers.

    • Example Sentence: "They're always buying the latest gadgets; it feels like we have to keep up with the Joneses."

  • Light at the End of the Tunnel:

    • Meaning: A hopeful sign or positive outcome after a challenging or difficult period.

    • Example Sentence: "Even though the neighborhood has been under construction, there's light at the end of the tunnel with new parks and amenities."

  • March to the Beat of Your Own Drum:

    • Meaning: To behave or do things in your own unique way, regardless of societal expectations.

    • Example Sentence: "She's not influenced by trends; she prefers to march to the beat of her own drum."

  • Not a Bed of Roses:

    • Meaning: A situation that is not easy or pleasant; involves challenges and difficulties.

    • Example Sentence: "Living in a diverse neighborhood is rewarding, but it's not a bed of roses; it requires understanding and compromise."

  • Out of the Woods:

    • Meaning: No longer in a difficult or dangerous situation; safe.

    • Example Sentence: "After the storm passed, we were relieved to be out of the woods and back to our normal routine."

  • Penny for Your Thoughts:

    • Meaning: A way of asking someone what they are thinking.

    • Example Sentence: "You've been quiet; a penny for your thoughts?"

  • Quiet as a Mouse:

    • Meaning: Extremely quiet and discreet.

    • Example Sentence: "She entered the meeting room quiet as a mouse, hoping no one would notice her late arrival."

  • Rub Someone the Wrong Way:

    • Meaning: To annoy or irritate someone.

    • Example Sentence: "His constant complaining about the neighborhood changes tends to rub people the wrong way."

  • Strike While the Iron Is Hot:

    • Meaning: To take advantage of an opportunity promptly.

    • Example Sentence: "The housing market is favorable right now; it's a good time to strike while the iron is hot and sell our property."

  • Up in Arms:

    • Meaning: Extremely upset or angry about something.

    • Example Sentence: "The residents were up in arms when they heard about the proposed increase in property taxes."

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