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Slang related to Appointments

  • Bang Out:

    • Meaning: To quickly and efficiently complete an appointment or task.

    • Sample sentence: Let's bang out this meeting in 30 minutes; we have a tight schedule.

  • Chop it Up:

    • Meaning: To have a conversation or discussion during an appointment.

    • Sample sentence: We'll chop it up during the lunch meeting and finalize the details.

  • Deck:

    • Meaning: A schedule or agenda for appointments and tasks.

    • Sample sentence: I'll send you the deck for tomorrow's client meetings by the end of the day.

  • Flex Time:

    • Meaning: A flexible appointment schedule that allows for adjustments.

    • Sample sentence: I love having flex time on Fridays; it gives me the freedom to schedule appointments as needed.

  • Ghost:

    • Meaning: To fail to show up for a scheduled appointment without any notice.

    • Sample sentence: He totally ghosted on the interview; we waited for an hour, and he never showed up.

  • Hit the Brakes:

    • Meaning: To postpone or slow down the progress of a scheduled event or appointment.

    • Sample sentence: We might need to hit the brakes on the project launch; there are some unexpected issues to address.

  • Jam-packed:

    • Meaning: A schedule that is full or crowded with appointments.

    • Sample sentence: My week is jam-packed with back-to-back meetings; I'll need to find time for a breather.

  • On the Fly:

    • Meaning: To make spontaneous or last-minute adjustments to an appointment or schedule.

    • Sample sentence: Let's finalize the details on the fly; we can adjust as needed during the meeting.

  • Powwow:

    • Meaning: A meeting or appointment where important discussions or decisions take place.

    • Sample sentence: We need to have a powwow to strategize for the upcoming project.

  • Squeeze In:

    • Meaning: To find a way to fit in an additional appointment or task into a busy schedule.

    • Sample sentence: Can you squeeze in a quick call between your meetings this afternoon?

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